After spending my whole life on pedals, finishing my degree in mechanical engineering, and working for two large companies making bikes I decided to change my priorities in life. I’ve never been good at sitting in an office waiting for Friday to come so, decided to start being self-employed. While I started off with engineering projects for companies in the bike industry, I also began to make notes and write down ideas for the bike I would make myself. I soon felt that my excitement wasn’t going to get any less and decided to explore the road of what has now become Vicious!
Vicious Cycles Inc is a Raleigh-based cycle workshop founded by a few like-minded individuals in late 2010. Our mechanics build the bikes and man the workshop. Our customer service staff attends to the day-to-day operations. We hope to create and foster a strong passion for the local biking scene because each and every one of us is a biking enthusiast. We believe that every machine should be an extension of its owner. We believe in the significance of individualism. We believe in the stories between your cycle and you. We believe in having fun. No matter the circumstances, we bike hard and we bike often. You get on your bike, you ride, you fall, you might get pulled over, you overcome it all and you ride again. It’s a Vicious Cycle! So, make it worth the while, don't just be part of the numbers. Ride your cycle, chase your dreams, live your life.